Thursday, October 16, 2008

Twilight Circus - Dub Plates 3

Twilight Circus - Dub Plates 3

"Eleven Heavy Duty Floorshakers", warns the press-release that accompanied this album by the mighty Twilight Circus Dub Sound System. True to the fullness, I say. Multi-Instrumentalist Ryan Moore gathered tracks previously played stricktly on Sound Systems (Reggae Mobile Discotheques With MC's), had them re-mastered and put on CD for ordinary people like you and me, who can't experience a Sound System every weekend. Now we can our shake own floors too and I know I will. Many articles about Dub Mixing talk about "lo-fi" elements creating special atmospheres. A tape-echo, for example, is actually a recording of a recording of a recording et cetera. Needless to say that this distorts the sound of the echo. This is called "lo-fi" or simply "dirty sounds". Twilight Circus has a special sound that utilizes this principal in many different ways, as the album shows. His wild Dub effects, most of which comes from old skool equipment, show that Ryan Moore is an expert when it comes to showing the beauty of dirt.

Although I like the opening track the most, each and everyone of the eleven floorshakers (cause that's what they really ARE) stand on their own as a demonstration of the versatility of Ryan Moore's musical talents. All tracks are very intense, most of them are highly danceable but equally interesting for spacing out. It can be a very nice experience to try and follow the effects as they change the sound of many different instruments: welcome to Dubnology!

Well, I was warned, at least. The emergency bells are ringing, I hear police sirens coming at my direction and many neighbours with disturbed faces. I didn't warn them.... But I'm warning you: this album is one of the better works of contemporary DUB art released in 2002 and when you love DUBWISE you I specially recommend this album.

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