Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dubophonic (Dubroom Net Label Review)


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WWW, August 2014 - With the Dub Key Net Label based on Malta, Dubophonic is the next step in a Mediterranean Roots Reggae and Dub take-over. Based in Cyprus and founded no earlier than June 2013, the Net Label has been on steroids when it comes to their (free) output.  In August 2014, the counter stood at sixteen free releases while they recently started putting out their first "VIP" (buyable) release.

One thing is for certain: Dubophonic take their net label serious and so it should be. It's not just the amount of releases in a certain quality, it is the work on their website, liner notes and massive press feedback. Centered around Dub Thomas, but not limited to him. A look at the artist names reveal a variety of styles and genres, from heavyweight Dubwise to a more lighter variant, Dubophonic strives to cater to all lovers of (conscious) Reggae and Dub. 


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