WWW, November 2008 - After passing the first minutes of this Podcast in total confusion, slowly it becomes clear what this is all about: bass, bass and nothing but bass. Bass, and DUB!
Yours truly doesn't speak or read Spanish or Portuguese, which seems to be the native language of our host in this extremely interesting mix. However, "Beeem Baxio" can hardly refer to anything else but... the Bass (Baxio, anyone? thank you).
It's all about Bass, after all. Bass, and Dub.
Contemporary Dub. Contemporary, online DUB even. For not only do we find a couple of nice tracks by Dutch based Twilight Circus, we're also treated by some works of Dubmatix. Dubmatix is one of the most prolific Online Artists. Those who visit the Dubroom may have seen his advertisements or read the Dubroom review on this artist.
Next to Twilight Circus and Dubmatix, Beeem Baxio is filled with bass-driven music as only Reggae Music can be.
01. Guvna Dub - Fistful Of Dub
02. Nick Holder - Moments in dub
03. Digital Dubs vs Dubiterian - DIB DEB DUB
04. Dub Matix - Repatriation
05. Ketty Roots - Dub Majesty
06. Wicked Beat Sound System - Be Humble
07. Piratedub - Dub Plate Roots
08. Twilight Circus - Filter 13 [Wailers Tribute Mix]
09. Sub Oslo - Sub Oslo VS Bookshelf Speakers
10. Twilight Circus - Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra Dub
11. Guvna Dub - Karmaggeddon
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