Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sure Dread - Redemption

Sure Dread - Redemption

This album is a documentary of the versatility of Jah Roots keyboard player Sure Dread. He has established himself as Internet artist with a growing audience who can appreciate what he is doing. Sure Dread started to play reggae music when he joined Jah Roots (then Messiah Calling) at age 14. In the years that he played with this band he has developed his own style of playing. Inspiration by great artists like the (Wailing) Wailers and Steel Pulse combined with the epertize of years of playing himself. Often he had to play the part of 4 or 5 people simultanously in Jah Roots.

He didn't have that in the process of creating the music you can hear on this CD. Using modern technology he was able to digitally produce his musical play. The majority of tracks on this album are dubs, an area which he recently started to explore. Instrumental tracks like Redemption or Praises are also included, as well as some vocals.

With Redemption you'll have a collection of proves that computer music does not have to be "liveless" music.

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